Before the discovery of LCD and LED displays, there was a display technology called CRT or Cathode Ray Tube. But one big disadvantage of the display was that some portion of the display will retain the content it used to display regularly. But why this was happening?
When a same image is being displayed regularly on the same spot, the ray hitting from the CRT will use up the phosphorous on that part of the screen. To prevent this problem, we found a simple method and that was by using screen savers. They are randomly displayed image, text or animation which changes continuously so that no part of screen displays same content all the time. But, in the world of innovations and modern display technologies, is this still a concern? Let's find out.
There is a concern about AMOLED screens particularly having a burn effect. But why does that happen in this modern technology which uses entirely different display methods than CRTs. In smartphone displays with 'always on' functions which displays clocks or things like status bar and navigation keys, they are always on the same spot and using the same LEDs to display it. So, after a long period of probably several months to few years, the LEDs will start to lose some of their colors. Especially blue LEDs in the screen.
As the current passes through the LEDs, it gives out light. But as times go on the output will get dimmer for the same amount of current. One solution to this problem is making the blue LEDs slightly bigger compare to other colors, so that less current passing through it compared to the size of LED. Samsung has been using this method in an attempt to reduce the problem of burn in. Other method some manufacturers use is changing the image to one pixel to any side or giving some animation to the always on display features.
Since the manufacturers are finding solutions for this problems, users doesn't need to be concerned about it. But still there are things users can do to save their displays from a burn in. These are the tips for users who are really worried about the issue.
- Do not keep the screen brightness in maximum. Use Adaptive brightness which can save battery as well as your screen.
- Change your background periodically.
- Turn off always on features or change the their display styles.
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