We all have heard about 'Gut Instinct' or 'Second Brain' in our body. People often tell you to trust you gut instinct. But what exactly is it and how accurate is your gut instinct? Let's find out.
A normal Human brain processes about 400 billion bits of information every second. But our conscious mind doesn't really use all these information. But our brain and our enteric nervous system together can make really accurate prediction of the immediate future. If the prediction is going to have a negative impact, anxiety kicks in. The gut contains about 75% of the neurotransmitter called 'Seretonin' which affects our emotions.
Do you ever find yourself in a situation and there is a spontaneous thought, the voice in your head tells you to back off? A sudden anxiety and tension right before you receive some bad news? These feelings are often caused by your gut, not your brain. The 'Enteric Nervous System' is responsible for the control and communication of the entire gastrointestinal system. It is a larger group of neurons and nerves that can actually act as a second brain.
So, can we just start predicting the future of everything that we are going to face in our lives? 'No' is the answer to that. Because for the gut instincts to be more accurate, the person must have some knowledge of the situation that they are dealing with. The gut doesn't blindly give out a prediction. It's actually an educated guess based on the numerous data that your conscious mind ignored before because it was focusing on the present moment. So, trusting your gut is most probably the good way to deal with certain situations of your life.
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